of men in Singapore rank “good looks” in their top three priorities when searching for a partner, compared to just 30% of women.
Source: YouGov
more salary that attractive or well- groomed women earn, compared to women of average attractiveness.
the number of views that #glassskin content attracts on TikTok.
as girls.
to others.

of women in a survey say they compare themselves to others on social media, either occasionally or constantly.
Source: SELF

of young women say beauty product ads make them feel they have physical flaws that need fixing, either sometimes or frequently.
Source: Milieu Insight
to look prettier.

of young women use filters or edit their photos to even out skin tone, reshape jaw or nose, shave off weight, brighten or bronze skin, and whiten teeth.
Source: City University of London
with their bodies.

of women surveyed can readily name a body part they are unhappy with.
Source: Beauty Sick, Renee Engeln
of product.
the average number of skincare and cosmetic products a woman will use before leaving the house each day.
Source: Wonder
to look good.
a day/
2 weeks
a year
how long the average woman will spend working on her appearance.
Source: Today/AOL Body Image Survey
body hair removal.
and 2
months of
her life
what the average woman spends on hair removal throughout her lifetime.
beauty in general.
what the average woman will spend on beauty and cosmetic products throughout her lifetime.
Source: Allure