Go Off the Beaten Track

See men cry

Raise the call for visibility
Read Girl Gaze

Turn to the margins
Often, the most urgent voices and the most creative work never makes it to our social feeds.
Another Screen is a streaming platform that is helping to make innovative feminist films accessible and free. Discover filmmakers operating from a vast array of traditions, languages and places, alongside write-ups and interviews that set the films in context. Their programme changes regularly, so you always have new content to watch out for.

Rethink the influence of images
Images are powerful artefacts. Left unexamined, the iconic images of our past can prop up racial, cultural and gender stereotypes. But looking at archival images from an analytical approach can reveal hierarchies of power — between male and female, photographer and subject, coloniser and colonised
This online exhibition focuses our attention on a series of historic photographs, featuring women from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Interact with the images and discover guiding questions that prompt you to rethink the presentation of women in our region.
There is so much out there that could make you feel seen, or get you to see the world in a whole new light. Seek out the content that feels fresh, or even liberating. Then get excited — engage with it, reflect on it and rave about it to anyone who will listen.
Anyone can champion an alternative gaze. It’s as easy as being a fan.