A Field Guide to Changing the Gaze
August 22, 2022
Tracey Toh
The male gaze is so pervasive and powerful that it can feel like the only way to depict women. How can we effectively break away from a mode of perception so dominant it has become the default?
When I first started to think about the male gaze, I felt a bit despondent. As a self-confessed screen addict who loves rom-coms and trashy dating shows as much as the next person, I wasn’t quite ready to give up my guilty pleasures altogether.
Then I started to learn about the power we have as viewers. We can bring a more critical eye to all our binge-watching, cinema-going and feed-scrolling. We can pay attention to how the male gaze works, learn about its implications and seek out alternatives.
Not gonna lie, it’s hard work. But it’s not impossible. Take it one step at a time, and start wherever feels right for you.
There’s a path for everyone.